- 4 lighting Modes Multi-scenario application
- Smart Touch Control for Adjustable Brightness - Thistouch-activated light simplifies nighttime lighting witheasy operation. A gentle tap on top turns it On/Off, whilea light press adjusts brightness smoothly without theneed to reset each time, thanks to its memory function.This compact touch lamp provides convenientillumination.
Magnetic stick -With its magnetic stick-on base, thisversatile night light can be effortlessly placed on avariety of surfaces. Whether it's the metallic side of arefrigerator in the kitchen or any other magnetic surfacearound your home, you can easily attach and reposition itas needed. This feature ensures flexibility in where youcan place the light, making it convenient for quickadjustments to your lighting setup without the need foradditional fixtures or mounts.
Considerable Design - The nearly perfect sphericaldesign of this portable night light enhances its trendinessand modern appeal. The flat top design at the top makesit easy to locate the touch sensor
Always Ready Anywhere Anytime - Powered by abuilt-in rechargeable battery, this night lamp features auniversal Micro USB port for convenient charging,ensuring you never lose your charging cable.lt eliminatesthe need for disposable batteries and messy cables,offering safer touch controls for people compared todirect power connections.
Perfect Night Companion -This dimmable night lampadjusts freely to provide the right amount of soft, eye-friendly light you need. lt remembers your preferredsettings,enhancing convenience. Placed on yournightstand, it creates a soothing ambiance withoutdisturbing sleep, suitable for naps, bedrooms and travel.